Update the Assigned To field using a Visual Studio 2008 Workflow

After spending way too many hours messing with this, I got it to work. I was trying to update the Assigned To in a Form Library (also works in a Document Library) using a Workflow in Visual Studio 2008. SharePoint being SharePoint, nothing is ever easy.

In the VS I created a Sequential Workflow. Then I added a Code activity (codeActivity1) to the design. After that, double click codeActivity1 in the design window.

Create the Public variable wfP:

Public wfP As SPWorkflowActivationProperties = New Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowActivationProperties

Then add the following code to your codeActivity1 module.

Dim site As SPWeb = New SPSite(wfP.WebUrl).OpenWeb()

Dim list As SPList = site.Lists(wfP.List.Title)

Dim listItem As SPListItem = wfP.Item

listItem(“Assigned To”) = site.Groups(“gLeads”)


It should look like this when you are done:

Private Sub codeMoveToLead_ExecuteCode(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Dim site As SPWeb = New SPSite(wfP.WebUrl).OpenWeb()

Dim list As SPList = site.Lists(wfP.List.Title)

Dim listItem As SPListItem = wfP.Item

listItem(“Assigned To”) = site.Groups(“gLeads”)


End Sub

Trying to set the .AssignedTo never worked for me.

4 thoughts on “Update the Assigned To field using a Visual Studio 2008 Workflow

  1. The real issue is that the item has to be updated twice…
    newItem = spList.Items.Add();
    // assign field values
    newNewItem = spList.GetItemById(newItem.ID);
    newNewItem[“AssignedTo”] = spUser.ID;

  2. I am trying to update the assignedto in a personal web site list. In other code, using the SpUser.ID works. However, you have to have the SpUser from the current SpWeb.Users… Match the AD user that you get with the SpWeb.User by the email address. Then use the SpUser.ID of the SpWeb.User

  3. here is all my code to update the AssignedTo:

    Private Sub Routing()
    Dim eFire As hEventFiring = New hEventFiring
    Using spsSite As SPSite = New SPSite(sPi.WebUrl)
    Using spwWeb As SPWeb = spsSite.OpenWeb
    Dim iSPl As SPListItem = spwWeb.Lists(sPi.ListId).GetItemById(sPi.ListItem.ID)

    Dim roleAssig As New SPRoleAssignment(spwWeb.SiteGroups(mRouter))

    If iSPl.HasUniqueRoleAssignments = False Then
    End If

    For Each spra As SPRoleAssignment In iSPl.RoleAssignments

    iSPl(“Assigned To”) = spwWeb.Groups(mRouter)
    iSPl(“sNoteField”) = mRouter

    Catch ex As Exception
    iSPl(“sNoteField”) = ex.Message.ToString
    End Try
    End Using
    End Using
    End Sub

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