Central Admin won’t load…
After rebooting my farm I wasn’t able to access Central Administration.
Went into IIS and noticed the site was stopped. When I tried to start it, I was greeted with the following error: The Process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
On the server hosting the site, get to a command prompt and type: netstat -ano
scroll through the list and find the port that Central Admin is using. After you find it, make note of the PID (right column).
Now, open task manager, click on the Processes tab. From the View menu, click on Selected Column… Select PID (Process Identifier).
Sort the PID column in Task Manager, locate the PID that you made note of in the command window. Kill the process.
Go back to IIS, start the Site (right click on the site, Manage Web Site, Start).
Browse to Central Admin!