In this example, I’m narrowing my search to one library and a search term.
At a high level, the script searches the FoodSite for the word GoodTaco.
function Query-SPSearch {
[Parameter()][Int32]$Count = 10
$QueryXml = @"
<QueryPacket xmlns="urn:Microsoft.Search.Query" >
<QueryText type="STRING">$KeywordQuery</QueryText>
$ServicePath = "/_vti_bin/search.asmx"
$SearchWS = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri ($WebApplicationPath + $ServicePath) -UseDefaultCredential
$Results = $SearchWS.QueryEx( $QueryXml )
# we excluded all other result sets, but just in case get the one we want:
Query-SPSearch -WebApplicationPath "" -KeywordQuery "GoodTaco AND path:" -Count 20 | Format-Table Title, Author, Path