How do you download a file from a SharePoint Online library using Python?
Update – If you scroll to the bottom, I’ve outlined another approach that uses a username and password to connect via the SharePlum library.
Items needed to run the script in this example:
Office365 Rest Python Client library:
SharePoint App Only Client Id and Secret:
Microsoft documentation:
You can create an app principle limited to a single site, list, library, or combination.
Old way (being depreciated):
Modern approach:
from office365.runtime.auth.authentication_context import AuthenticationContext
from office365.sharepoint.client_context import ClientContext
from office365.sharepoint.files.file import File
app_settings = {
'url': '',
'client_id': '12344-abcd-efgh-1234-1a2d12a21a2121a',
'client_secret': 'Oamytacohungry234343224534543=',
context_auth = AuthenticationContext(url=app_settings['url'])
context_auth.acquire_token_for_app(client_id=app_settings['client_id'], client_secret=app_settings['client_secret'])
ctx = ClientContext(app_settings['url'], context_auth)
web = ctx.web
response = File.open_binary(ctx, "/Shared Documents/Invoice.pdf")
with open("./Invoice.pdf", "wb") as local_file:

If the above script does not work, step back and ensure you are connected to the site. The following script connects to a site and outputs its title. This is useful to validate that a site connection can be made.
from office365.runtime.auth.authentication_context import AuthenticationContext
from office365.sharepoint.client_context import ClientContext
from office365.sharepoint.files.file import File
app_settings = {
'url': '',
'client_id': '12344-abcd-efgh-1234-1a2d12a21a2121a',
'client_secret': 'Oamytacohungry234343224534543=',
context_auth = AuthenticationContext(url=app_settings['url'])
context_auth.acquire_token_for_app(client_id=app_settings['client_id'], client_secret=app_settings['client_secret'])
ctx = ClientContext(app_settings['url'], context_auth)
web = ctx.web
print("Site title: {0}".format(['Title']))
You can also use a certificate and thumbprint to connect to SPO via an Azure App registration.
import os
from office365.sharepoint.client_context import ClientContext
cert_credentials = {
"tenant": "44c5f68f-b375-57fd-92dd-0e3d637592ac",
"client_id": "7cbe82dd-6e9a-4672-b4dc-882d282689ad",
"thumbprint": "729CAFBBF44861803BC02F25FD17EF2EAB4C242F",
"cert_path": "C:\\path-to-cert\\SPO-GraphAPI.pem"
ctx = ClientContext("").with_client_certificate(**cert_credentials)
current_web = ctx.web.get().execute_query()
SharePlum connection example using a username and password to connect to SharePoint Online. More details about SharePlum can be found here:
from shareplum import Site
from shareplum import Office365
sharepoint_url = ''
username = ''
password = 'Password'
authcookie = Office365('',
site = Site('',
sp_list = site.List('Your List')
data = sp_list.GetListItems('All Items', row_limit=200)
If you get this error, you won’t be able to connect with a username and password, and you’ll need to use an App Password.
File “C:\Python311\Lib\site-packages\shareplum\”, line 80, in get_security_token
raise Exception(‘Error authenticating against Office 365. Error from Office 365:’, message[0].text)
Exception: (‘Error authenticating against Office 365. Error from Office 365:’, “AADSTS50076: Due to a configuration change made by your administrator, or because you moved
to a new location, you must use multi-factor authentication to access ”.”)
I’ve created this post to outline how to upload a large file to a SharePoint library:
how to get client_id and client_secret?
I outlined how to get it in the first couple of lines of the blog post. You can also use the shareplum library, then connect with your username and password.
I’ll update the post to show how to use SharePlum.