User Cannot Access a Site


User works in the office for a few weeks, then leaves.

Same user returns a year later.

The user account was never removed from SharePoint, but the user was unable to access sites, where permissions were directly granted.  Sites were Domain Users was implemented, the user could access sites.

On sites where the user was granted direct permissions, they would get the Error: Access Denied message box.


Remove the user account and re-add it.



crawl component cannot be dismounted sharepoint

Was trying to modify the Search Service Topology and ran into a few errors.

Crawl component cannot be dismounted SharePoint

Search Application Topology Status stuck in Recovering

Both errors were cleared up by running the SharePoint Configuration Wizard on the server in question.

Some other errors that occured:

Retry of query component 0e5ab760-3fa2-462f-99a5-aab5c7655dad-query-7 has failed with error: The system cannot find the file specified.
0x80070002. It will be retried again in 64 seconds.

Query component 0e5ab760-3fa2-462f-99a5-aab5c7655dad-query-7 has been taken out of rotation due to this error: The system cannot find the file specified.
0x80070002. It will be retried in 4 seconds.

The parent content type specified by content type identifier 0x01 does not exist

When trying to enable a feature on a site, I was greeted with this following error:

The parent content type specified by content type identifier 0x01 does not exist.

Long story short, the CTYPE feature was not enabled on the site.

Using PowerShell, I exported a list of all the available features in the site.

if(-not(Get-PSSnapin | where { $_.Name -eq "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"}))
 Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell;

$web = Get-SPWeb http://yourSharePointsite/
Get-SPFeature | Sort -Property DisplayName > c:\Features.txt

Once exported,  I located the CTYPE feature, grabbed its GUID,  then enabled the feature.

$web = Get-SPWeb http://yourSharePointsite/
Enable-SPFeature "695b6570-a48b-4a8e-9ea5-26ea7fc1d163" -Url $web.Url

Now you should be able to enable the feature that started all this fun.

Use SharePoint Designer Workflow to Concatenate Two Fields

Want to concatenate two fields using a SharePoint Designer workflow?

For this post, I’m going to concatenate Stuff and Junk, then update the Title column.

Concatenate Fields SharePoint Designer

Open your List / Library using SharePoint Designer.

*Click on the List tab, then select Edit List in the Customize List section of the ribbon.

Once Designer opens, click on New… in the Workflows section.

Give your workflow a name, click OK.

In Step 1 of your workflow, click the text that says (Start typing or use……).

In there type: update list item

Then click enter.

Your workflow should now look like this:

Concatenate Fields SharePoint Designer

Now click on this list

Doing this will open the Update List Item window.

After the window opens, click the Add… button on the right.

From the Set this field dropdown, select Title.

Concatenate Fields SharePoint Designer

After you have selected Title, click on the button above the Cancel button.

Clicking on … will open the String Builder window.

In the String Builder, add the fields Junk and Stuff.  You can do this by click on the Add or Change Lookup button.

Concatenate Fields SharePoint Designer

Click Ok, Ok, Ok.

The workflow action will now look like this:

Concatenate Fields SharePoint Designer

One more step, in the ribbon, click on Workflow Settings in the Manage section.

In the Start Options section, select Start workflow automatically when an item is created,  and Start workflow automatically when an item is changed.

Click Save, then click Publish.

To test, create a new item in your List / Library.

Concatenate Fields SharePoint Designer

Who updated the form template?

What to find out who lasted updated a form template?


end user: “My InfoPath form has stopped working!”

me: oh, did anyone make a change to the form?

end user: “umm, not that I know of?!?!”

Inspection Time:

Open the site using SharePoint Designer.

In the left side of Designer, click on All Files.

From there, click on the Library name you are wanting to inspect.

The Library will now be open in your main panel / window.

Open the Form folder.

In there you should see a template.xsn file. *your template might be named something different, but look for the file with a Type of xsn.*

The Modified By column will show you the last user that made any changes to the template.

Case closed!

Hide Button in Ribbon SharePoint 2010

Simple question, how do you hide or remove a button from the ribbon in SharePoint?

In my case, I needed to remove the Upload Document and Open with Explorer buttons for my Form Library.

Open your site using SharePoint Designer.  Once opened, navigate to your Library and edit your default view.  (All Files -> Your Library -> Forms -> Your View.aspx, right click and select Edit File in Advanced Mode)

At the bottom of the screen, you will see three options Design, Split, and Code.  Select the Split option.

In your code window, locate the <asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId=”PlaceHolderMain” runat=”server”>  tag.

Now, enter the code below in a line after the PlaceHolderMain tag.

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () 
    setTimeout(HideRibbonButton, 10);  
function HideRibbonButton()
    setTimeout(HideRibbonButton, 10);

Click save, then refresh your page.  The Documents tab should now be missing the Upload Document button and the Library tab should be missing the Open with Explorer button.

How I’m finding the items that I want to hide.
using this link:
Find the item you want to hide (open with explorer).

Then use the last part of the string OpenWithExplorer in your jquery.


The Library I’m working with is locked down and users are not able to create their own Views. If someone creates a new View, the buttons will be available on that page.

Local accounts should only be used in standalone mode SharePoint 2013

I was trying to install SharePoint 2013 using the Complete option (Server Type) opposed to Stand-alone and I ran into the following error:

Local accounts should only be used in standalone mode

To get around this, you will need to use PowerShell to create your Content Database.

From the start menu open SharePoint 2013 Management Shell (right click, run as administrator) . Start Menu | All Programs | Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products| SharePoint 2013 Management Shell

Once open, enter this command: New-SPConfigurationDatabase


New-SPConfigurationDatabase –DatabaseName "SharePointConfigDB1" –DatabaseServer "SQL-01" –Passphrase (ConvertTo-SecureString "MyPassword" –AsPlainText -force) –FarmCredentials (Get-Credential)

Once the PowerShell has completed, navigate back to Start Menu | All Programs | Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products |SharePoint 2013 Products Configuration Wizard

Run the Config Wizard, and you will be on your way!