Flow Variables Not Displaying In The Dynamic Content Menu

I was trying to dynamically set a SharePoint list item ID to a variable but the variable was not displaying in the Dynamic Content menu.

The solution was to use an expression to set the value, save the flow, exit the edit screen, then re-enter the edit screen.

Create a variable
Notice the variable is not available for selection
Use the expression window to enter the variable name
The variable has been added but looks weird. This is not an issue but continue reading if you want to clean display value.
Save your flow and exit the edit screen.
Edit your flow
The variable is now displayed correctly!

Copy Files From Azure File Storage to SharePoint

As of today, there is not a Logic App trigger for Azure File Storage, so I went with a schedule-based approach. Yes, this example leaves out a lot of fine-tuning, but it will get you headed in the right direction.

Create a blank Logic app
Trigger: Schedule
Action: Azure File Storage – List files
Action: SharePoint – Create file

After you add the SharePoint action, the Logic App should automatically add a For Each action and place the SharePoint Create File action inside of it.

Overview of the Logic App
For each action expanded
Testing the Logic App

In the last screenshot, I tested the Logic App by uploading a couple of documents in Azure Storage Explorer, then I manually ran the Logic App (click the Run button).

Again, this is a simple example. The example does not account for processing the same files over and over…

SharePoint Search Query Tool Login

If you have ever worked with SharePoint search you likely already know about the SharePoint Search Query Tool. If you are new to SharePoint and need a little insight into the SharePoint search experience this tool is a lifesaver!

SharePoint Query Tool GitHub: https://github.com/pnp/PnP-Tools/

In future posts, I will outline how to form queries and use the tool but for now, I want to simply connect to my SharePoint Online site.

Enter the URL for your SharePoint site, select the Authentication options shown above, then click Sign-In. If a web login form appears be sure to complete it. If your normal Windows login doesn’t work, try using your work email address and password, and if that doesn’t work try your work email address and App Password.

App Passwords are created and managed at this URL: https://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com/AppPasswords.aspx

Power Automate Bad Gateway Error

I was trying to use a SQL Insert Row action to insert a new row in a SQL Server table and received a Bad Gateway error. First, I thought it was a permissions issue, then I thought my Flow stopped working…

Turned out to be an issue with the amount of data being inserted into a field. One SQL column was set to varchar(X) and the Flow was trying to insert more characters than X.

Flow Power Automate and SharePoint Required Fields

On the surface, this request sounded super simple and straightforward. “we need to copy files from a SharePoint library to Blob storage.” Simple enough? Well, yes, but the SharePoint library has a couple of required fields and a Flow is triggered by an action.

Consider what I’m outlining below to be version ONE of the process. In the near future, I will update this post with a slightly more resilient solution.

My SharePoint library has a required field titled DesinationFolder

Context of what I’m doing in the Flow:
Trigger: When files is created in a folder
When a file is added to a library the flow is triggered
Get file metadata
File Identifier: Use File identifier from the step above
Get file properties
Id: Use the ItemId from the previous step
Initialize variable
Name: vCheckedOut
Type: Boolean
Value: Checked out (field from Get properties)
Initialize variable
Name: vFolderPath
Type: String
vCheckedOut is equal to true
Do until
vCheckout is equal to False
Set variable
Name: vCheckedOut
Value: Checked out (value from the Get file properties above)
Set variable
Name: vFolderPath
Value: FolderPath (SharePoint field)

/blobfolder/vFolderPath (variable)
Create blob

Get-PnPSearchCrawlLog Filter to a List or Library

How do you use the Get-PnpSearchCrawlLog cmdlet to check if the SharePoint crawler is indexing your site, list / library, folder, or item / file?

Before you begin, you’ll want to make sure you have access to the Crawl Log: https://yourSite-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/searchadmin/crawllogreadpermission.aspx

Connect-PnPOnline -Url "https://sharepointed.sharepoint.com/sites/food" -interactive

$logs = Get-PnPSearchCrawlLog  -filter "https://sharepointed.sharepoint.com/sites/food/Lists/tacos/" -RawFormat

foreach($l in $logs)
    Write-Host "    "
    Write-Host $l.Url
    Write-Host $l.ItemId
    Write-Host $l.LogLevel
    Write-Host $l.CrawlTime

Get-PnPSearchCrawlLog details: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/sharepoint-pnp/get-pnpsearchcrawllog

Other examples:

#get all items crawled in the Shared Documents library
Get-PnPSearchCrawlLog  -filter "https://sharepointed.sharepoint.com/sites/TestSite/Shared Documents/" -RawFormat

#get items in  Folder A
Get-PnPSearchCrawlLog  -filter "https://sharepointed.sharepoint.com/sites/TestSite/Shared Documents/Folder A/" -RawFormat

#check if a single file is indexed
Get-PnPSearchCrawlLog  -filter "https://sharepointed.sharepoint.com/sites/TestSite/Shared Documents/Folder A/test.txt" -RawFormat

#get everything crawled in the past 30 days for a target site
Get-PnPSearchCrawlLog  -filter "https://sharepointed.sharepoint.com/sites/TestSite/" -StartDate (Get-Date).AddDays(-30) -RawFormat

If you receive this error:
Get-PnPSearchCrawlLog: The current connection holds no SharePoint context. Please use one of the Connect-PnPOnline commands which uses the -Url argument to connect.
This means you did not READ the second thing I mentioned at the top of this post. The account running the Get-PnpSearchCrawlLog command will need permission to access the crawl log. You will need to access this site with an admin account or an account with enough permissions to get in trouble:


Replace yourSite with your tenant’s name.

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found Connect-PnPOnline

Using Visual Studio Code and SharePoint PNP I was trying to make some updates to a list but I wasn’t able to connect to a site.

Connect-PnPOnline -Url "https://taco.sharepoint.com/" -Credentials $creds

Error I was receiving:
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: ‘System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjectHandle System.Activator.CreateInstance(System.String, System.String)’. at SharePointPnP.PowerShell.Commands.Base.ConnectOnline.ProcessRecord() at System.Management.Automation.CommandProcessor.ProcessRecord()

I tried uninstalling VScode, removed all traces of SharePoint from my laptop, and cleared the GAC. Nothing worked.

Here is what did work:
In VScode:

  1. Open the Command Palette on Windows or Linux with Ctrl+Shift+P. On macOS, use Cmd+Shift+P.
  2. Search for Session.
  3. Click on PowerShell: Show Session Menu.
  4. Choose one of the ___ (x86) options

Not sure how, but I was using an x64 session and SharePoint PNP clearly didn’t like that.

Edit: Updated VScode to the latest version and it managed to reset my session settings. When this happened, it caused my CSOM scripts to report a The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request error. The fix above will resolve the error.

Connect to SharePoint Online Using PowerShell

Update and a much better way to approach this:
Use a SharePoint App Only Client Id and Secret to access the site, list, or library.

Microsoft documentation:
You can create an app principle that is limited to a single site, list, library, or a combination of them:

 $sampleConnect = Connect-PnPOnline -Url "https://YOURsite.sharepoint.com/sites/parent/child" -AppId "12345-94c3-4149-bda5-abcedffadsf" -AppSecret "643r4er5sfdadsfadsfdsf=" -ReturnConnection

Write-Host  $sampleConnect.Url
In this example, I’m connecting to a Site Collection on my tenant.

1) You have created a token in your o365 site
1.1) https://portal.office.com/account/
1.2) On the left site of the page click Security & privacy, then click Create and manage app passwords
1.3) In the app password page click the create button and give it a name.
1.4) Save the password to a secure location.
1.5) There is a better way of doing this that I will cover in a future post.
2) You have downloaded to CSOM DLL(s) from Nuget


$userName = "me@sharepointed.com"
$pw = "abc123taco"  # I"M USING AN APP PASSWORD 
$siteCollectionUrl = "https://sharepointed.sharepoint.com/sites/taco"

#Secure the password
$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $pw -AsPlainText -Force

Add-Type -Path "C:\Code\DLL\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"
Add-Type -Path "C:\Code\DLL\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"

#Create Context
$ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($siteCollectionUrl)

$ctx.Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($userName, $securePassword)

$web = $ctx.Web
$properties = $web.AllProperties

Write-Host " Site Collectione URL: $($web.Url)"
Write-Host "Properties are "

foreach ($prop in $properties) {