Create Dynamic Hyperlinks And Send An Email Action

Over the years, some updates to Flow have been better than others, and others, not so much. If memory serves, the send an email action would use dynamic hyperlinks without much work, but something went sideways with one of the updates causing dynamic hyperlinks not to work as you’d want.

Here is a basic example of including a hyperlink in an outgoing email; further down the page, I’ll provide a more realistitc example.

In this example, I setup the Flow to trigger when an item is added to a SharePoint library. The key thing to note in this example is the value of the varHyerplink variable; note the double quotes around the link to item.

Email address is incorrect for user in SharePoint

In the process of migrating from SharePoint 2010 to 2016 and ran into a small problem.

When trying to get the email property from the SPUser class, it returned a value of domain\userName. Clearly, this is not correct and caused some other issues.

Sample code

$web = Get-SPWeb "https://webapp.taco/toppings/cheese"
$userEnsure = $web.EnsureUser("domain\yourNameHere")
write-host $userEnsure.Email

Running this returned domain\yourNameHere, when it should have returned

Navigate to Central Admin, then cruise over to your User Profile Service. Once there, run a full synchronization.
Profile Service –> Synchronization –> Start Profile Synchronization –> Start Full Synchronization

Run the PowerShell script again, and it will return the correct data.

Same idea as above but using the SharePoint ClientContext.

            using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext("https://webapp.taco/toppings/cheese"))
                Web web = clientContext.Web;


                var userEmail = web.CurrentUser.Email;

My Site Emails Not Sending

In SharePoint 2010 I noticed I wasn’t receiving updates when people posted stuff on my MySite.

Turns out, my Active Directory Sync is not working, and my email account was not being populated in my User Profile.

Fix it!

Central Administration –> Manage User Profiles
Find the person having the issue.
Update the email address.
Cruise over to the mysite, post a note, look in your inbox for an email.