Office SharePoint Server Standard Site features must be enabled

In SharePoint Designer 2010, I was attempting to create an approval task for an item.  When I tried to added the action to the workflow, I received the following error.

Cannot insert this action. To use task process actions, the Office SharePoint Server Standard Site features must be enabled for this site by an administrator.

At the site and site collection I made sure SharePoint Server Standard Site features was enabled.  Taking it one step further, I also enabled SharePoint Server Enterprise Site features.  Still the workflow wasn’t working correctly.  Navigated back to the site collection features and activated the Workflows feature.  Refreshed SharePoint Designer and all of the actions worked.

Credit goes to Giles Hamson.

Cleaning up a drop off library mess

You installed SharePoint, then your power users enabled the content organizer feature all over your farm. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but if it’s not being used, turn it off! Less load on the farm, the better off you will be.

You will find plenty of examples on the web about cleaning up this mess, but I took a slightly different approach. Before disabling the feature and deleting the library, I first checked to make sure the library was empty and no content org rules had been created.

Start-SPAssignment -Global

$web = Get-SPWeb ""
$feature = Get-SPFeature "7ad5272a-2694-4349-953e-ea5ef290e97c" 

   if ($web.Features[$feature.ID]) 
            $corList = $web.lists["Content Organizer Rules"]
            $dolList = $web.lists["Drop Off Library"]
            #check for Cont Org Rules and items in Drop Off Library
            if(($corList.ItemCount -eq 0) -and ($dolList.ItemCount -eq 0))
                  #disable the feature
                  Disable-SPFeature -Identity "7ad5272a-2694-4349-953e-ea5ef290e97c" -Url $_.URL -Confirm:$false
                  #remove the Drop Off Library
                  $dolList.AllowDeletion = $true

Stop-SPAssignment -Global

SharePoint Navigation Button Missing in Site Settings

In the Site Settings page, the Navigation link was missing under Look and Feel.

The link to the page is: _layouts/AreaNavigationSettings.aspx

But, you might want to activate the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature. 


Site Actions –> Site Settings –> under Site Collection Administration look for Site collection features.